September 19th, 2024

I got offered the opportunity to go full-time without even needing to ask for it. Obviously I accepted. I kinda don't wanna lose the free time but going full time is obviously more important than that. Gave me an excuse to finally buy that GPU, I guess.

Phase 2 of Project Assembly is finished now in Satisfactory. I think this is the point where my choice for starting location is gonna bite me even though it's the one meant for beginners. The closest oil nodes are way the fuck out by the entrance to another starter area, and I know from exploring that that boundry has a bunch of kinda dangerous enemies. I'm pretty well-prepared for them now, but it's still not something I really wanna do, at least not until I have all of the oil-related techs (fuel generators and fluid packaging). I did turn the Project Assembly setup into a parts mall. It's kind of a shitty mall that's a bit too spread out and a bit too un-preductive for some things, but it's much, much better than nothing. Half of a motor assembler is still 150 motors per hour, it does add up and matter.